Welcome fellow dating amateurs!
I’m Georgie.
A single girl just trying to go on a date with a ‘normal guy’, as that rarely seems to happen for me. So here on my blog I delve deep into the tragic underbelly of the modern dating world.
Let me tell you…
Dating is a special kind of hell filled with anxiety, insecurities, ghosting, and a lot of emotion amongst everything else twisted in there.
As someone who has had her heart pummelled into the ground and more than her fair share of hilarious dating disasters, I am enlightening others with my stories to hopefully show you all that you’re not alone in the brutal territory of dating.
Other people are fumbling around in the dark the same way as you trying to meet somebody that gives them fireworks.
I’ll also throw some advice in there too as, although I’m not fully educated in dating, I’ve picked up some good tips along the way.
It’s only fair that I pass on the baton of wisdom to others searching for love.
New to An Education in Dating? Then I recommend starting from the beginning.
Want to read the most recent posts? Then head right to the blog.
Looking for my dating advice? You will find of all of my best stuff here.
Now I’ve given you the grand tour of my dating blog, pour yourself a glass of wine, sit back, relax, and enjoy the bad, the worse and the ugliest of dating tales from one singleton to another.

Our Wonderful Award
As many of you who voted will know, An Education in Dating made it to the finals of the UK Blog Awards 2017.
I’m extremely proud of the finalist title that we hold here so I’m keeping this here as a little badge of honour.
Big love x