Mark* – Insurance Salesman

Mark* – Insurance Salesman

It’s 2012 still.

I’ve turned 22 and I’m back home after finishing my degree!

I meet Mark* on a Monday night. Monday night is student night out at home so my sister and I decide to hit the town.

Whilst in the outside area of a club, a tall guy comes over and starts chatting to me. He introduces himself and asks me about myself. Mark is confident. He’s little cocky but seems fun so after spending the night chatting I agree to give him my number. A few nights later we go out for a drink.


We meet at a bar and instantly the conversation is flowing. He is younger than me and works in insurance sales. At first he seemed great; like a really fun guy but as the date goes on I can’t help but notice that Mark is staring at almost every girl who walks past our table.

He’s not just staring at them blankly or on the sly but he is blatantly eyeing every girl up and down. I ignore it at first. At some point during the conversation he starts talking about his ex girlfriend. OK, that’s fine, it doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother me until he tells me how she was a model.

Not only does he mention in passing that she was a model but he begins to describe her physical appearance in detail. How hot she is; right down to the little details like how delicate her nails are and how she had the best (excuse me for this) “p**sy” he’s ever had. From there, Mark decides to tell me that his ideal woman is a size 6, 5ft 8 girl with long dark hair and who has either an Irish or European accent!

OK then.

Well dick wad if she’s your perfect girl why the hell are you on a date with me; a size 8/10 5ft 4 blonde with an English accent and nothing exotic?? Idiot.

At this point I’ve obviously made it clear with my facial expressions that I am not impressed because Mark suggests we leave. After 4 hours of him blabbing on about other women I’m happy to oblige!

As we leave a tall and very slim brunette walks in and catches Mark’s eye. He stops for a second and turns back to look at her

sorry babe, do you mind if we just say goodnight here? I’m gonna stay for a bit longer


Without saying a word, I turn on my heel and walk right out of that door leaving him with his perfect woman and wondering what the hell I must have done to deserve this many frogs! Not just men who are wrong for me but men who are wrong for almost any woman.

So that was Mark. A step down from Andy in terms of his chivalrous traits but a good story to laugh at nonetheless. I’ve also got to hand it to him, at least he’s arrogant enough to make it clear you aren’t right for him rather than leading you on.

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