The Heartbreak Penny Drops

The Heartbreak Penny Drops

*Disclaimer: Since writing this post, the ghostbusters had obviously done a good job because he called me. He retired from ghosting and we had a long talk over the phone. Some of this post may not ring true to me anymore after talking. I understand more now, but that doesn’t mean I respect his decision any more than I did before. Another post will come from that.* People keep asking me how I’m doing. I’m not criticising them at all! They care and they want to make sure I’m ok. Equally, I think most of them are expecting me to...

The Elephant In The Womb

The Elephant In The Womb

This was a post I needed to get out. My poor womb has become the hot topic of this post. As you will know, my relationship ended. This post isn’t solely about that. It’s about one part of it. One of the reasons (and I’m still not sure if it’s the only reason) that it ended was because of children. Will* has two. Two wonderful children who I grew to love very much over my relationship with him. Children I never even got to say goodbye to. Having grown up without a Father and how I’ve been effected by it...

The Ultimate Disappearing Act

The Ultimate Disappearing Act

Well. Here we are. Somewhere I never thought I would be. I agonised with this post. I wrote and rewrote it so many times. Words describing my pain filled this page. I had so many more to say; to share. Then I couldn’t share them all. Will* is a private person. I still love him so I couldn’t write them all. I couldn’t spill parts of me without sharing parts of him. I’m trying to respect him still so instead, this is a shortened part. A part that still keeps some for him. I need to begin because I don’t...

Being Loved For The First Time

Being Loved For The First Time

It’s been a minute. Well, actually it’s been more like 10 hours. Things have been a little bit crazy over the past few years. I hope you’re all ok after it. I have lots to talk about regarding the whole Pandemic thing but first, I want to settle back in with something good. It’s big so prepare yourself. I’m in love (again). This time though, and in fact for the first time in my 31 years of existence, I am loved back. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to tell you. It’s not that I didn’t want to; trust...

Falling in Love with My Mental Health

I want to highlight the importance of mental health and dating. I wasn’t really sure how to approach this subject as it can be sensitive for some but mental health has such a huge part to play in dating, especially in modern dating, that I couldn’t really ignore it. Especially while I’m at a crucial turning point in my own mental health journey. My personal mental health is currently in the best state, generally, that it’s ever been in. Obviously there are still good days and bad days (just like everybody else) but as a whole, I’m more aware of...